The first day of school always comes with a plethora of emotions- Excitement, nervousness, anxiety, fear, sadness, and a host of others - but this year is a little different. All of these emotions are flowing strong, probably stronger than ever, but this year it isn’t just among the students. It isn’t just the kindergarten students going to school for the first time, it isn’t just the kids who are at a new school, for the most part, it really isn’t even predominantly the students at all. It’s the parents!
I too am a parent and I understand the strong desire to protect your children. It is my own strong desire to protect my children that has brought me to where I am today and why I am able to write this with unwaverable resolve and confidence. Fear is running amok throughout our society today in response to what has been labeled a pandemic, but when we can see beyond the superficial appearance of our current world situation, and look deeper to see the big picture, it becomes clear that fear itself is the pandemic. When we have an understanding of our body’s built in support system, we can see clearly that fear is unnecessary. It is to be expected that we would be filled with fear when our trust is placed on merely a mask and hand sanitizer. If we truly listen to our instinct, we know these are not where our resistance lies. When we put our faith in a false protection, we will remain fearful. Our strength and our resolve is found in truth.
Rediscover the Truth
So, what is the truth? Where is our true support? Is it true that our body wasn’t designed to be able to handle stress and we have no resistance or resilience? Of course not! We have been designed with a support system that is working to assist us and support us throughout our lifetime - from birth to old age. Our natural state, when this support system is adequately provided for and supported, is a state of balance and vitality.
The situation we have arrived at today is the result of our drifting away from our natural design and losing the understanding of how our diet and lifestyle are connected to our body’s ability to function properly and heal. “The foods we eat and the lifestyle we live have a direct correlation to the way we look , the way we feel, our ability to rest, and ultimately our ability to stay healthy.”- Dr. Michele Menzel. This drift and lack of understanding does result in fear because we no longer know how to keep our body strong and resistant. The fear itself creates a conflict that can lead to symptoms.
We need not feel like victims of this or any illness. Each of us have the power to be disease resistant and the responsibility to do so is ours. If we are not eating a diet of nutritious foods that provide our body with the essential nutrients needed for proper function and healing, and if we are not living a lifestyle that aligns with our natural design, then yes, we are much more likely to experience symptoms and we will likely experience them more frequently and more severely than a person living a properly aligned lifestyle. If we walk through life in fear and having negative thoughts and emotions, yes, we are much more likely to experience symptoms and we will likely experience them more frequently and with more severity than a person who has happy, optimistic thoughts. In both of these areas, we are solely responsible for the way we are living, therefore we are solely responsible for our susceptibility or resistance to illness. Our strength is not in a mask, it is not in hand sanitizer, it is not in social distancing. Our strength is in the understanding of and alignment with our God-given natural support system - our immune system.
A New Normal
We need not fear sending our kids back to school. We need not fear going about our day and interacting with the world. God did not design us in an inferior fashion. He gave us everything we need for energy, vitality and longevity. We do need to make some changes. We do need to make a new normal, but not in the way we are being programmed to believe. Our new normal needs to be a routine where we continue to learn about our natural design and learn to live in alignment with it. I cannot remember the source of this quote, but it is 100% correct - “We cannot expect to heal in the same environment that made us sick.” It is clear as we look around today, our society is not a healthy society, we are a sick society. We have been designed to heal, but it is our responsibility to provide our body with what is needed for it to be able to heal and become resistant. Let’s eliminate the fear and become empowered!!!