As my husband and I prepare for the local car show we host every year, we looked for a theme all inclusive of not only our local show and sponsors, but also a theme that represents our current world issues. When he brought up the theme of ‘Restoring the Peace - Support Those Who Support You’, I recognized how this also has a direct application to our health. Just as the world is experiencing a great deal of “dis-ease”, our bodies too are in distress, struggling to regain balance - the balance required for optimal health and wellness to be achieved.
With our focus on restoring the peace within and the function of the body, the question becomes “How?”. How do we relieve the current “dis-ease” that so many are experiencing? The answer - Support! Our immune system is our support system. This system’s sole endeavour is to assist us throughout our lives, to help us survive!. Our body has been designed with a natural intelligence, an intelligence by which no malfunction ever occurs, no random symptoms are ever present. Instead, every operation of the body is specific and purposeful as the immune system works to support us into a position in which we thrive. Sadly, most people are not thriving today, but rather, struggling to survive. When we properly support our immune system (better stated, support our support system) we can transform our bodies and lives from a mode of mere survival to thriving in life. When we are stuck in a perspective where the focus is simply to eliminate the symptom without any consideration of why that symptom is occurring and what the long term effects of suppressing that symptom might be, the outcome is a further weakening of the body. Suppression of symptoms works against the natural action of the immune system. It stops the body's natural healing process. By doing this we are working against our support system!
To support the immune system properly we first need to understand why we experience symptoms. There are really only two reasons. 1) We are what we eat and how we live on our everyday two phase rhythm and 2) We are what we think, believe, and perceive. In my practice I teach every client about the natural design of the body and help guide them to an understanding of why their body is producing the symptoms they are experiencing. With the fear eliminated and a new understanding in place, we look to the 7 Laws of Wellness, organized by Dr. Michele Menzel, ND, as a guide to proper daily living. A guide to maximize our healing potential. These laws (Nutrition, Hydration, Detoxification, Rest, Faith, Sunshine/Outdoors, Exercise/Oxygen) support our immune system (support system) to the fullest degree. Through proper daily living, supplementation, positive thought/belief system, and renewed faith in our body’s ability to heal, we can assist the body in regaining proper balance. When balanced, we are resilient! We CAN heal! When living a balanced lifestyle, the body has the vital energy needed to function according to our design and thrive in all areas of life. We need not fear disease. Instead, we need to understand how to support the body as it assists us through all stages of life.
We are energetic beings and balanced energy is necessary for health and longevity. Disease does not just randomly develop overnight. Disease results from long standing “dis-ease” in the body’s energy. There are many factors that impact our energy flow. Foods, chemicals, emotions, vitamins, minerals, sounds, colors, medications, radiation are just a few of the factors that influence the subtle energies of the body. Everything we put into our body physically, emotionally and spiritually affects us energetically. Subtle energy imbalances are present long before physical symptoms arise. True healing and prevention lie in balancing these subtle energy disturbances. Merely suppressing the symptom without addressing the energy imbalance that lies at the core of the issue can never result in a strengthened immune system (support system) and in a strengthened body capable of maximum potential.
With the SpectraVision Scan we are able to get a customized blueprint of exactly what substances and emotions are impacting your subtle energies and creating distress - creating sensitivity and disrupting your energy flow. The scan process identifies what is stressing your body, even stressors have been present from past traumas and are still lingering because your body has not had what it needed to deal with them. With those scan results, we are then able to see exactly what the body is asking for in order to balance it energetically and assist the natural healing process.
Masks, hand sanitizer, social distancing and isolation is not the answer to restoring our body to a state of peace and harmony, an environment conducive to healing and resistance. If we want to achieve optimal wellness, it’s imperative that we stop suppressing the immune system and start supporting it! There is no need to live in fear. Support that which supports you!!!!
Dr. Deb Weichel, ND