Every living being is designed to operate on a natural, everyday 24-Hr rhythm. Our circadian rhythm is designed for us to be active in the daytime and to rest and heal at night. Our daytime nervous system is the sympathetic nervous system and at night our parasympathetic nervous system takes over. A tremendous amount of repair work takes place as we rest each night. This repair and renewal requires adequate energy in order to be carried out and completed. Every organ system has a window of time in which it cleanses and renews from the work of the day. If we deny ourselves this period of necessary rest, or the body simply doesn’t have enough energy to carry out the renewal process, we cannot be properly prepared to take on a new day with maximum potential.
If we wish to enjoy optimal wellness and vitality into old age, we must live an everyday lifestyle that aligns with our innate 24-Hr everyday two phase rhythm and provides the body with energy. Living out of alignment with this natural rhythm depletes the body of energy thus reducing the body’s ability to maintain optimal function of organs, tissues, and glands.
The 7 Laws of Wellness, organized by Dr. Michele Menzel, ND, serve as a guide to a lifestyle which honors and aligns with our natural rhythm. The 7 Laws of Wellness, in no particular order, are:
At Optimal Wellness, I help my clients implement these laws into their daily routine, creating a new way of living that provides the energy needed for maximum healing, vitality, and longevity.
Dr. Deb Weichel, ND, D. PSc